Definitions of EIA

Environmental Impact Assessment is defined as an activity designed to identify the impact on the bio-geophysical environment, on man and well-being of legislative proposals, projects, policies, operational procedures and to interpret and communicate information. EIA is a systematic process of identifying future consequences and impact of a current or proposed project.

Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA

Is the systematic, open process of analyzing the impact of policies, plans, programs and other strategic initiatives on the environment Undertaken to ensure that environmental considerations are taken into account and integrated into decision-making in support of sustainable development .Applied to all strategic proposals that have a potentially significant impact on the environment.

Project List Approach

The list approach depends on screening projects into three categories based on different levels of EIA required according to severity of possible environmental impacts as follows:
1. The "A" list projects for establishments/projects with minor environmental impact.
2. The "B" list projects for establishments/projects which may result in substantial environmental impact.
3. The "C" list projects for establishments/projects which require complete EIA due to their potential impacts. For more details, please visit

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment ESIA

Environmental and socio-economic impact assessment is the environmental study of project/proposal based on the local community who will be directly affected by the proposal, e.g., Rural development & Slum development


The process of Environmental Impact Assessment

Impact Assessment is governed by the country strategic planning and EIA regulations according to the Egyptian Environment law #4 /1994 and its executive regulation, amended by law # 9/ 2009. The regulations only apply to certain types of development projects and/or development plans. EIA can also perform to legalized development plans which are exulted for which you do not need to get planning permission.

Objective of EIA

The objective of EIA is to:
• identify, predict and evaluate the environmental, economic and social impact of development activities,
• provide information on the environmental consequences for decision making, and
• promote environmentally sound and sustainable development through the identification of appropriate alternatives and mitigation measures.

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